Sunday 29 November 2009

Halloween in Spain & Reading Contest in Turkey

Last Friday, 30th October, we carried out a role-play activity in the Mediterráneo Library to celebrate Halloween. The 1º Bachillerato students played a little work, written by one of our English teachers, Caridad Quevedo, and the 1º ESO students were invited to see it. They all had a very good time, at the end of the activity they were given a fresh blood drink. Here we can see some of the photos taken during the event.

The Reading Contest starts in Turkey. The competition will be held in our school which is called “Book Worms”. Students who wants to participate to the competition, will make the application until the 31th of December 2009, and the selected books will be read until the 19th of March 2010. In the competition, 100 questions will be asked about the selected books and the winner will be awarded with a surprise prize.
The Selected Books are; 1-Mediterranean Waltz-Buket Uzuner, 2-The Bridge over the Drina-Ivo Andriç, 3-Mediterranean (Sunrise)-Paniat Istrati, 4-The Alchemist-Paulo Coelho, 5-Crime and Punishment-Dostoyevski, 6-Don Quixote -Cervantes

Thursday 26 November 2009


Students from the eight grade took part in the great UDC contest which was held in the school library. The contest is part of the Comenius project “Reading for traveling through the paths of life” and the idea for the contest was given from our Spanish colleagues. Here is the photo session from it:

A group of students are working on the new library rules.

The rest of the students are listening to the librarian, explaining

what a UDC is and how the books are situated in the library.

The students are looking for different books, divided into groups of 2 or 3.

All of them have completed the tasks successfully and were

very happy to have spent a class in the library.

The contest was part of the reading stimulation techniques and the interest among the students was big.

Press News in Turkey

On November the 20th, 2009 “Reading for travelling through the paths of life” Comenius School Partnership project has been announced in HABER TURK internet press..


Formal education is the regular education conducted within schools for individuals in a certain age group and at the same level, under programs developed in accordance with the national education objectives.

Pre-School Education
Pre-school education covers children between the age of 36-72 months. Institutions can be established as independent kindergartens or as application classrooms affliated to giriş' vocational high schools for the purposes of practical training for students, and within other educational institutions.

Primary Education
Primary education covers childrenin the 6-14 age group. Eight-year primary education is compulsory for all citizens regardless of gender, and is provided free of charge in State schools.

Secondary Education
Secondary education follows primary education and covers general, vocational and technical high schools providing at least 4 years of education for the 14-17 age group. All students completing primary education have the right to attend any type of secondary education in line with their interests, talents and capabilities.

Special Education
The aim is to provide the best educational opportunities for individuals with special needs, to integrate them with society, and enable them to gain professional skills.

Private Education
Private education institutions are the institutions expenses of which are covered by natural or legal persons. They are subject to supervision and inspection of Ministry of National Education (MoNE). These institutions are opened and operated in accordance with the Law on Private Education Institutions.

Higher Education
Higher education covers al post-secondary programmes with duration of at least two years

Non-formal education covers those who are currently at a particular stage of their education, who have left their education at any stage, or who have never had the chance to attend school.
Non-formal education is carried out through public education, apprenticeship training and distance education. Similar education services are also offered through vocational courses opened at vocational high schools and the by local authority.

ISTEF is a "project fair" that brings all national and international based education projects under its roof. Within the exhibition, projects developed by students and teachers of lower and upper secondary schools are displayed. Development of these projects serve to increase the quality of education within the institutions, as well as elevating the level of knowledge, ability and capability of students.

Istanbul Education and Career Exhibition is organized every year at the Feshane International Exhibition and Congress Center, since 2008, with the initiaition of Local Education Authority of İstanbul.
This annually organized exhibition brings together various institutions in the field of education and training and students, which enables students to get acknowledged of higher education institutions and occupations. Students visiting the exhibition have the opportunity be guided and directed effectively for their future and career choices.

Upper secondary and high school students, private and state university students, new graduates who want to take a career path, inititiators in the field of education, teachers and head teachers, parents of related students, media representatives, representatives and employees from the field,

Attending organisations
State universities, private universities, training courses for OSS, Career courses, Education and guidance companies for education abroad, foundations and NGO’s supporting education, public organisations, publications in the field, vocational education institutions.

A great number of projects under European Union - Lifelong Learning Programme (LLP) and other type of projects has been carried out by both Istanbul Provincial Directorate of National Education and the schools in Istanbul.

The Project was carried out in 2007 and 2008. It was sponsored by Bahcesehir University - Science and Technology College.
The aims of the Project is : To motivate the students to love science, To show them how a scientist works, To teach the students the ways of scientific studies,
To teach the students how to prepare, carry out and evaluate a Project and how to use imagination by preparing a Project, To get students understand the importance of group work.

Monday 23 November 2009

Time for assessment

Here we are the Survey we hace created to be filled evry Term. It is calles Every-Term Evaluation Report.Every country has to send it to our coordinator: Lali. End-of-Term Evaluation Report

Monday 16 November 2009

and the WINNER is ... LOGO 12!


Thursday 12 November 2009

And the logo winner is...

These are the results so far, we are waiting for the other countries choices. As soon as we get them we will publish them.

Logo1 Logo2 Logo3 Logo4 Logo5 Logo6 Logo7 Logo8 Logo9 Logo10 Logo11 Logo12
Bulgaria 0 0 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 11
Hungary 1 0 0 0 0 4 1 0 0 0 0 14
Italy 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 12
Romania 3 0 1 8 0 0 4 0 0 0 1 3
Spain 5 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 3 0 3 0
Turkey 3 3 4 4 0 1 0 0 4 1 0 0

Sunday 8 November 2009

Buket Uzuner Meeting

On 28th October some IES Meditarraneo students and teachers met Buket Uzuner at The Feria del Libro in Murcia (Spain). Buket Uzuner is the turkish writer whose book has been recommended by the Comenius Turkish team. The meeting was very interesting for our students and teachers and all of them were impressed by this charming writer. Here we are some photos of the event. You can also see them in this link to Facebook because she wrote a post about the meeting.

Thursday 5 November 2009

Changes in the logos to vote

Remember that the Logos no.7, 8 and 10 have been eliminated from the election, instead we have a new one which we show here. If you click on it you'll see it bigger.This new one is Logo 7 now

Wednesday 4 November 2009

We have a new web page for our project

We've made a wiki on Wikispaces that we'd like to share with you. You'll be able to easily edit pages, upload files, and join our discussions.
We have started but we need your collaboration, please join us and fill in the information left. For example a text in your own languaje explaining our project on the Home page, links to your school webs, photos, documents, videos etc... about your libraries, countries or any other topics you'd like to share with us.
We hope you'll join us! We are looking forward to your news!

Saturday 31 October 2009

Let's vote our LOGO

On the left side bar we have depicted the 12 selected Logos. You can click on each logo to see it bigger.
Each country has selected 2 logos and now we have to choose the winner among them. Twenty students from each country will vote for their choices, one logo per pupil. We want an unbiased election so that we have named the logos with a number so that nobody knows the country they are from. The voting method will be explained on Monday, here in the blog and by e-mail to the different countries.

Friday 30 October 2009

Questionnaire about the opening meeting in Plovdid

Has the coordinator organized the meeting well and with enough time?

Has the communication through mail been successful?

Have two working days been enough?

Have the goals of the meeting been achieved??

Have we got a better understanding of the way our educational systems work?

Have we got a better vision about the life and culture in different countries?

If you have any suggestion for further meetings, can you explain it?

Tuesday 27 October 2009

Pictures of our opening meeting in Plovdiv

Questionnaire about opening meeting in Plovdid (Bulgaria)

Download the questionnaire

Tecniques for reading encouragement

Plovdiv Conclusions

Bulgaria meeting

1. Comenius Logo Contest

a) Every country presents two logos. We could see the logos presented by all the countries. All countries had already selected two logos except Spain, which presented some logos but still not the finalist ones.

b) Every country will send by mail to the Spanish coordinator their two selected logos, and finally the 12 logos will be published in the blog by the Spanish blog administrator.

c) In every school we will select 20 students who will vote for the logos (so we will have 120 students in total voting for logos). Turkey suggested numbering the logos in the blog from 1 to 12 so that students voting can´t know which country the logos are from. We all agreed with the idea.

d) By November 1st the logos must be in the blog. From November 1st to 15th students will vote in every country.

e) Every country will publish in the blog the result of their election days before the 15th.

f) Spain will count the votes and the winner logo will be published the 15th.

2. Comenius Website/blog

Spain has created a blog with the purpose of establishing communication among the Comenius partners. The address is: The procedure to use it is the following one:

a) First thing to do was to open a mail address in We suggested opening a single mail for every school, with an agreed password, so that different teachers in every school can have access to publish things in the blog.

b) Once they have their gmail address they must send it to the Spanish coordinator and they will be authorized to use the blog.

Turkey proposed to use the blog in such a way that students can exchange cultural information about our countries. The proposals are the following ones:

a) A multilingual dictionary: students can exchange greetings in the different languages or other important basic vocabulary.

b) Important characters.

c) Jokes

d) Food

e) Hobbies/culture

f) National or religious holidays.

3. Selection of Books

Spain: Grimpow, by Rafael Ábalos.

Turkey: The Long White Cloud, by Buket Uzuner

Bulgaria: Doomed Souls, by Dimitar Dimov

Italy: Vento Seomposto, by Angelo Horney Simoneta

4. Next mobility to Turkey:

Working plan until next meeting in Istanbul:

- A powerpoint about how our school libraries are run and their organization. For that purpose the different countries can take as reference the information about Spanish school which is given in the dossier.

- To open a gmail address in order to be authorized to participate in the blog.

- To get the five samples of their selected books in English.

- To translate into their own languages the acts of these meetings that will be published in the blog and to include these translations in the blog.

Thursday 8 October 2009

Presentación de nuestro centro

El I.E.S. Mediterráneo comenzó su actividad docente en el curso 1995/1996 con la denominación inicial de I.E.S. nº 6, para más tarde recibir, por acuerdo unánime del Consejo Escolar, el nombre actual.

Se encuentra situado en la Urbanización Mediterráneo de la ciudad de Cartagena. Somos un Centro Público dependiente de la Consejería de Educación y Cultura de la Comunidad Autónoma de Murcia y cofinanciado por el Fondo Social de la Unión Europea.

Por su ubicación recibimos alumnos de varias zonas de la periferia de la ciudad, fundamentalmente de las barriadas de San Antonio Abad, Nueva Cartagena, Urbanización Mediterráneo, Fuente de Cubas y Barreros, aunque al impartir enseñanzas de Formación Profesional, únicas en nuestra ciudad, también acceden alumnos de diferentes puntos de la Región.

En nuestro Instituto se pueden cursar los siguientes estudios:

• Enseñanza Secundaria Obligatoria.

• Bachillerato de Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales.

• Bachillerato Científico-Tecnológico.

• Bachillerato de Investigación.

• Formación Profesional de Grado Superior: Educación Infantil, Integración Social, Animación Sociocultural y Actividades Físicas y Deportivas.

• Formación Profesional de Grado Medio: Atención Sociosanitaria.

• Programa de Iniciación Profesional de Servicios Auxiliares de Oficina.

La meta de nuestro Claustro de Profesores es lograr la formación integral de todo el alumnado, con el fin de conseguir que sean ciudadanos críticos y responsables, para ello hemos basado nuestro trabajo en las siguientes estrategias:

• Educar en el respeto y desarrollo de los valores democráticos.

• Fomentar la tolerancia con la diversidad y las diferencias.

• Favorecer la interculturalidad.

• Basar el trabajo académico en el esfuerzo y la constancia.

• Ofrecer un servicio de calidad basado en la profesionalidad y en el espíritu de superación.

• Abrir el I.E.S. a la Comunidad Educativa para implicar al A.M.P.A. y a los agentes sociales del entorno en la realización de actividades complementarias.

• Incardinar el Proyecto Educativo dentro del Proceso de Lisboa para inculcar en el alumnado la necesidad de favorecer como ciudadanos un crecimiento sostenible y una mayor coexión social.

Con el fin de fomentar el conocimiento y la comprensión de la diversidad de las culturas y lenguas europeas, el IES Mediterráneo ha elaborado un programa de “Animación y Dinamización de la Lectura” dentro del Proyecto Comenius para ser desarrollado conjuntamente con los siguientes centros de enseñanza europeos:

• Istituto Istruzione Superiore C. Mondelli (Italy)

• Profesional school of building, architecture and geodesy Commercial Orie (Bulgaria)

• Gurlek Nakipoglu Lisesi (Turkey)

• Táncsics Mihály Gimnazium És Szakközépiskola (Hungary)

• Scoala cu clasele I-VIII Dimitrie Cantemir (Romania)

El objeto del proyecto es animar y dinamizar la lectura y, al mismo tiempo, conocer el funcionamiento de las bibliotecas escolares europeas, dotando a los jóvenes de las capacidades básicas para usar sus recursos y servicios mediante el desarrollo de un enfoque interdisciplinar y transnacional del tema "La lectura nos une", para mejorar las competencias en: comunicación lingüística, social y ciudadana, tratamiento de la información y competencia digital, aprender a aprender y en autonomía e iniciativa personal.

Así mismo, se pretende incrementar el interés y el gusto por la literatura, mediante una selección de libros (propuesta por los socios del proyecto) de escritores europeos contemporáneos, como expresión de conocimiento y cultura de otros países de la Comunidad Europea, para despertar en los jóvenes la necesidad de elaborar sus propias creaciones literarias. A través de este proyecto perseguimos impulsar un marco de intercambio y enriquecimiento mutuo de experiencias alrededor de la lectura y de las bibliotecas.

Con todas estas estrategias de trabajo pretendemos configurar un Centro con personalidad propia, en el que las relaciones personales estén basadas en el diálogo, el respeto y la tolerancia.

Introducing our school

‘Mediterráneo’ Secondary School began his teaching activity during the school year 1995/1996 with the original denomination of IES No. 6, and later received, by unanimous agreement of the School Board, the current name.

It is located in a suburb of the city of Cartagena called Urbanization Mediterráneo. We are a public secondary school dependent on the Autonomous Community of Murcia and also financed by the Social Fund of the European Union.

We have students from several outlying areas of the city, mainly from San Antonio Abad, Nueva Cartagena, Urbanización Mediterráneo, Fuente de Cubas and Los Barreros, but as we impart vocational training lessons, unique in our town, there are also students who come from different parts of the Region.

In our school the following studies can be undertaken:

•Compulsory Secondary Education.

•Baccalaureate of Health Sciences and Engineering Sciences,

•Baccalaureate of Humanities and Social Sciences and Humanities

•Baccalaureate of Research.

•Higher Level Vocational Training: Early Childhood Education, Social Integration, Sociocultural Animation and Physical Activities and Sports Program.

•Vocational Training Intermediate Level: healthcare assistance.

•Vocational Training in Information Technology

Our school staff aim is that all students achieve their potential and make them critical and responsible citizens, for that we have based our work on the following strategies:

• To emphasize the respect and development of democratic values.

• To promote tolerance for diversity and differences.

• To reinforce attitudes towards multiculturalism.

• To Base the academic work in the effort and consistency.

• To Provide a quality service based on professionalism and the spirit of excellence.

• To open the school to the educational community to engage the AMPA and the social agent to the extra-curricular activities.

• To integrate the school Educational Project within the Lisbon Process to make students aware of the need to promote sustainable growth as citizens.

Aiming to promote knowledge and understanding of the diversity of European cultures and languages, Mediterráneo Secondary School has developed a Comenius program called ‘Reading for Travelling Through the Paths of Life’ to be developed jointly with the following schools Europe:

• Istituto Istruzione Superiore C. Mondelli (Italy)

• Vocational school of building, architecture and geodesy Commercial Orie (Bulgaria)

• Gurlek Nakipoglu Lisesi (Turkey)

• És Szakközépiskola Táncsics Gimnázium Mihály (Hungary)

• Scoala cu clasele I-VIII Dimitrie Cantemir (Romania)

The project aims to encourage and stimulate reading and at the same time, to get to know the working of European school libraries, giving young people the basic skills to use their resources and services by developing an interdisciplinary and transnational approach theme to improve skills in: linguistic communication, social and citizenship, information processing and digital competence, learning to learn and the autonomy and personal initiative.

It also aims at increasing the interest and taste for literature, with a selection of books (proposed by the project partners) from contemporary European writers, as an expression of knowledge and culture of other European Community countries, to awaken youth need to develop their own literary creations. Through this project we seek to promote a framework of and mutual enrichment and exchange of innovative experiences about reading and libraries.

With all these strategies work we intend to set up a center with its own personality, in which personal relationships are based on dialogue, respect and tolerance.

Thursday 24 September 2009

Centros europeos asociados

Los centros asociados con nuestro IES en el proyecto comenius son:

Istituto Istruzione Superiore C. Mondelli (Italy)
Profesional school of building, architecture and geodesy Commercial Orie (Bulgaria)

Wednesday 23 September 2009

Objeto del Proyecto Comenius

El objeto del proyecto es animar y dinamizar la lectura y, al mismo tiempo, conocer el funcionamiento de las bibliotecas escolares europeas, dotando a los jóvenes de las capacidades básicas para usar sus recursos y servicios mediante el desarrollo de un enfoque interdisciplinar y transnacional del tema "La lectura nos une", para mejorar las competencias en: comunicación lingüística, social y ciudadana, tratamiento de la información y competencia digital, aprender a aprender y en autonomía e iniciativa personal.
Así mismo, se pretende incrementar el interés y el gusto por la literatura, mediante una selección de libros (propuesta por los socios del proyecto) de escritores europeos contemporáneos, como expresión de conocimiento y cultura de otros paises de la Comunidad Europea, para despertar en los jóvenes la necesidad de elaborar sus propias creaciones literarias.

Perseguimos impulsar un marco de intercambio y enriquecimiento mutuo de experiencias alrededor de la lectura y de las bibliotecas.

El IES Mediterraneo es coordinador de un Proyecto Comenius

Comenius aborda la educación escolar y pretende fomentar entre los jóvenes y el personal docente el conocimiento y la comprensión de la diversidad de culturas y lenguas europeas y del valor de esa diversidad. También tiene el propósito de ayudar a los jóvenes a adquirir las aptitudes básicas para la vida y las competencias necesarias para su desarrollo personal, su futuro laboral y la ciudadanía europea activa.

Part of the Lifelong Learning Programme, Comenius seeks to develop knowledge and understanding among young people and educational staff of the diversity of European cultures , languages and values. It helps young people acquire the basic life skills and competences necessary for their personal development, for future employment and for active citizenship.

En este blog publicaremos toda la información relativa al Proyecto Comenius.